GDV Camera

GDV CAMERA by Dr. Korotkov

Electrophotonic techniques by Dr. Korotkov

The GDV Camera has been approved by Russian Health Authorities for general use, following clinical trials and the recommendation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It utilizes almost instantaneous, non-invasive and painless measurements and sophisticated interpretive software with comparisons to an extremely large and reliable database assembled over more than 10 years. This technology has far reaching diagnostic and human performance applications.
Algemene Informatie
The System provides non-invasive, painless and almost immediate evaluation which can highlight potential health abnormalities prior to even the earliest symptoms of an underlying condition, and suggests courses of action. These may include identifying an area for further medical exploration, suggesting products that may be beneficial (such as vitamins, minerals, supplements), or evaluating energy, stress and vitality. In each case, the GDV scan can provide significant information and suggestions.
